Reserva Conchal – Origin honey

Reserva Conchal – Origin honey

Reserva Conchal is located in the Peninsula of Nicoya, one of the five Blue Zones (the largest one actually), it consists of 930 hectares of natural wonders, dry tropical forests and white sand beaches. The reserve is a community committed to a sustainable future, that is why the world of honey and bees are of great interest. Playa Conchal owes its name to its sand full of ground shells, which make this beach one of the most beautiful in Central America.

Almost 90% of wild plants and 75% of the world’s major crops depend on animal pollination from bees. One in three bites of our food is dependent on pollinators. Reserva Conchal has two hotels and a large condominium and apartment space, which means that there are many mouths to feed.

Reserva Conchal and Blue Zones Nicoya joined forces to work on their environmental responsibility to promote a healthier future for their consumers and guests, that is why 60 apiaries were installed in their gardens and forests. Bees help pollinate vegetable and fruit gardens for restaurants as well as keep gardens and trees in the reserve healthy.

The honey harvested in Reserva Conchal is considered multifloral, this means that the honey is produced with pollen and nectar from various arboreal and flora species, the blooms will be different every year for this reason.

It is said that multiflorial honey, being from the mountains and open wild spaces, is purer than monoflorial honey (such as coffee, mango, melon crops, among others) and there is questioning about the chemical residues used in these crops.

Reserva Conchal is a dry tropical forest that has a wide variety of trees, the most common are:


Scientific name: Caesalpinia eriostachys
Its trunk does not go unnoticed, due to the many and varied roots that are entangled to create its trunk that cover it from the base to the thickest branches, as if they were thin trunks fused together.


Scientific name: Lantana camara
A shrub noted for its pretty flowers. The lantana is characterized by having simple evergreen leaves (they always remaingreen, even in the dry season), 10 cm long, ovate or oblong and with a serrated margin. These leaves have a kind of hair on both sides, they are rough to the touch and dark green on the upper side and lighter on the underside. In addition, they emit a very characteristic aroma.


Scientific name: Acacia collinsii.
It is a small tree, always green. These plants have two large, hollow, brown spines that one can usually find ants inside. Its flowers are yellow.


Scientific name: Coccoloba uvifera
It has a thin trunk and a dense crown formed by large and thick rounded green leaves with gray tones. The long clusters are filled with small white flowers with a delicate aroma that attract bees and other insects. It produces a fleshy fruit that is edible and is even used to make jam. Its clusters are similar to those of grapes.

Poró Poró:

Scientific Name: Clochospermun vitifolium
It reaches 1,200 meters in height and contains a large, fleshy yellow flower.


Scientific name: Laurus nobilis
It is a tree best known for the benefits of its leaf, which is used for remedies and in cooking recipes. This tree has yellow 4-petal flowers that appear in the months of March and April.


Scientific name: Gliricidia sepium
It is a small to medium tree, 2-15 m tall (occasionally up to 20 m), often with multiple stems.


Scientific name: Guazuma ulmifolia
This species adapts to various environmental conditions, from sea level to 1000 meters in height. The fruit is a capsule similar to a grape with a purple and spiny black color.

Cortez Negro:

Scientific name: Handroanthus impetiginosus
It can reach up to 30 m in height and diameters of up to 50 cm, with profuse lilac blooms and attempted pink tones, which makes it very attractive and is quite popular in landscaping design.

Discover where we harvest this honey!